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You most definitely have mites living on your face that look like this
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2 6366 duddy 10 years ago
Why is sand listed as an ingredient in my potato chips?
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0 9287 bio_man A year ago
Who needs supplements when you have kiwis?
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0 4127 savio 11 years ago
What do chiropractors do?
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0 3443 bio_man 2 years ago
Watch these white blood cells destroy this roundworm
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2 5120 duddy 8 years ago
Try dates, not honey
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3 29891 duddy 9 years ago
Tips to keeping your teeth white
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0 3484 duddy 11 years ago
This peanut butter is a health hazard
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1 9785 bio_man 9 years ago
The importance of phytochemicals
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1 1883 bio_man 6 years ago
Surgeons successfully replaces a patient's skull with 3D-printed version
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3 3197 duddy 10 years ago
Scientists have unexpeditely found a vaccine that completely blocks HIV infection in monkeys
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2 6537 duddy 10 years ago
Running reduces tumor size in mice by 50%
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0 11203 duddy 8 years ago
Maybe it's time to stretch our legs
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1 2201 duddy 9 years ago
Living without a heart
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0 6160 duddy 8 years ago
It's sore throat season, why does my mucus have red spots?
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1 14007 bio_man 10 months ago
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