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Listening to recordings while you sleep can reinforce what you've learned while awake
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1 7510 duddy 10 years ago
Why do we listen to sad music?
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1 5472 duddy 9 years ago
Higher testosterone levels linked to men who enjoy spicy food
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1 34494 duddy 9 years ago
What gives summer rain its distinct odor?
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0 33903 duddy 9 years ago
Mosquitoes have preferences too
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1 17887 duddy 9 years ago
Why do our eyes move when we're dreaming?
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1 3113 duddy 9 years ago
Who knew hawks were a hummingbird's best friend
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0 12354 duddy 9 years ago
This man was paid $18 000 by NASA to lie on his back for 70 days straight
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0 13199 duddy 9 years ago
How one perceives beauty is merely superficial
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0 15664 duddy 8 years ago
Homosexuality is not a choice
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0 3364 duddy 8 years ago
Sweet tooth explained
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0 7002 duddy 8 years ago
How to tell the best joke
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0 25513 duddy 8 years ago
Schizophrenia may boil down to a specific gene, scientists find
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0 4521 bio_man 8 years ago
How sleep affects memory
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0 5031 duddy 8 years ago
This is shocking
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0 4021 duddy 8 years ago
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