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World's largest alloy
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0 18156 duddy 8 years ago
Why is the sky blue?
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1 6051 duddy 11 years ago
Why do drugs like MDMA make you feel happy?
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0 11059 duddy 9 years ago
Where does Mercury get its name from?
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0 1306 duddy 9 years ago
When chemistry and physics come together
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0 4105 duddy 9 years ago
What happens to plastic bottles?
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0 24662 ehd123 9 years ago
What does 170-year-old champagne taste like?
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0 20781 duddy 9 years ago
We are the stars, we are the universe
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0 4530 ehd123 9 years ago
Watch what happens when you pop a balloon filled with elemental mercury
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1 12141 duddy 9 years ago
Watch water freeze and boil at the same time
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0 8568 duddy 9 years ago
Watch this cool contact explosive known as nitrogen triiodide
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0 5950 duddy 9 years ago
Watch a diamond disintegrate in the presense of pure oxygen
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0 5765 duddy 9 years ago
This is how decorative candles are made
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2 2187 ehd123 9 years ago
The periodic table based on the discoverer's nationality
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0 3395 duddy 11 years ago
The cotton castle
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2 6192 duddy 10 years ago
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