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When chemistry and physics come together
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0 4105 duddy 9 years ago
What does a box and these fish have in common?
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0 6204 bio_man 7 years ago
What color is a toucan's skull?
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2 1160 bio_man 6 years ago
Walking sushi
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1 16913 duddy 9 years ago
This trick will make your brain see a black-and-white image in color
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1 3698 duddy 8 years ago
This incredible marsh turns from green to red as seasons change
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3 10168 duddy 7 years ago
These aren't party balloons
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3 31359 duddy 10 years ago
The rainbow eucalyptus tree has its name because of its vibrant colored bark
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0 26124 duddy 9 years ago
The 'emo' version of a dove
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0 2212 duddy 9 years ago
See-through flower
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1 1321 duddy 9 years ago
See-through animal!
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0 5937 duddy 10 years ago
Peacocks look even more awesome when they fly
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0 5342 duddy 8 years ago
One shiny, golden bug
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0 14210 duddy 9 years ago
One extremely intelligent beak -- I mean bird
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1 3492 duddy 10 years ago
Not all corals live underground
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0 6827 duddy 10 years ago
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