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Posted by duddy   May 2, 2013   4261 views

If you have a house centipede crawling around on your floors, you’re in luck! These little guys feed on pests such as termites, cockroaches, spiders, and ants to keep your home’s biodiversity to a minimum. Adult centipedes have 15 pairs of legs that help it achieve top speeds of 0.4 meters per second. To mate, centipedes become acquainted through the touching of antennae, and the male deposits sperm onto the ground, which the female then uses to fertilize her eggs.

Posted in Interesting Facts
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I don't care if they stopped cancer, wouldn't want that anywhere near me
Posted on Mar 10, 2016 by bio_man
Posted by duddy   May 1, 2013   4586 views

This bizarre looking thing is "Ata the humanoid", a mummified corpse found in the Atacama Desert ten years ago. It's strange appearance led to many calling it an "alien", claiming it as proof that extraterrestrials have visited Earth.

Well, it's finally been submitted to a battery of tests and the results show it to be fully human. DNA analysis has even managed to pinpoint the location and nationality of its mother. The results do suggest that it was once alive and human, not a hoax, and so asks more questions than they answer.

The bone analysis suggests that this is not a fetus, but a child between the ages of 6-8. The specimen has just ten ribs (as opposed to 12), is just six inches long and has severe facial deformities. These symptoms do ...

strange aliens disorder
Posted in Discoveries
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How can this be a child that's 6 to 8 years old Undecided
Posted on Aug 6, 2014 by Wrogue
Posted by ehd123   May 1, 2013   3759 views
The world's smallest movie "A Boy and his Atom" has been made! By moving atoms, IBM researches have managed to create a short film purely out of moving atoms around at a magnification of 100 million using a scanning-tunneling microscope. Truly brilliant! Slight Smile

More about how this was done:

And for a video showing the short film, click here Rightwards Arrow


Posted in Videos
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Thanks for sharing! I love IBM.
Posted on May 1, 2013 by colleen
I can't believe I'm seeing an "atom". Kids won't appreciate this project until they get into chemistry taught at the university level.
Posted on May 2, 2013 by bio_man
Posted by duddy   April 30, 2013   3091 views

Feeding bread to wild ducks is incredibly harmful. Bread has almost no nutrients that are useful for the duck, so they become malnourished and more susceptible to disease. Compounding the problem is excessive bread in the water, which leads to high levels of E. coli and even botulism outbreaks. Wild ducks need to stay wild, and artificially feeding them causes them to lose their natural instincts for acquiring food. If you want to feed captive waterfowl, consider chopped vegetables, whole grains, or fruit instead. ...

Posted in Interesting Facts
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Is this correlation really the cause? I'm finding it a little hard to believe.
Posted on Apr 30, 2013 by bio_man
Wow, I really did believe I was helping them Face with Open Mouth
Posted on Jul 1, 2013 by doseofmegan
What about pigeons, I see people feeding them all the time.
Posted on Aug 6, 2014 by Wrogue
Posted by duddy   April 30, 2013   3146 views

This fantastic photograph of a hurricane on Saturn was recently snapped by NASA's Cassini spacecraft. It measures an astonishing 2,000 kilometers across the eye - that's big enough to cover the UK twelve times. Wind speeds reach as fast as 150 meters per second.

saturn planey universe
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