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Pluto up-close
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0 17392 duddy 8 years ago
World's largest alloy
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0 18156 duddy 8 years ago
Watch this magnetic monster destroy this metal object
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0 9258 duddy 8 years ago
A closer look at Saturn's moon
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0 3463 duddy 8 years ago
A beautifully frozen pond
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0 9220 duddy 8 years ago
Definitive proof of water found on Mars
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0 19347 duddy 8 years ago
Images of Pluto!
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0 19005 duddy 9 years ago
Next time you ask a scientist why something happens remember this guy
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0 2446 duddy 9 years ago
The quest to find Earth-like life on Mars
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0 1219 duddy 9 years ago
The magnus effect
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1 5639 ehd123 9 years ago
NASA Spacecraft is 4 weeks and 32 million km away from Pluto
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0 1302 duddy 9 years ago
Thank you, Volta!
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0 2686 ehd123 9 years ago
Interesting sounds
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0 4633 ehd123 9 years ago
Watch a diamond disintegrate in the presense of pure oxygen
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0 5764 duddy 9 years ago
How physics textbooks should teach electricity
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1 8773 duddy 9 years ago
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