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krazyrwe krazyrwe
Posts: 466
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6 years ago
Which artery is commonly used to record blood pressure?
  A) axillary artery
  B) brachial artery
  C) radial artery
  D) ulnar artery

(Question 2) The first sound recorded in blood pressure is the ________.
  A) None of the listed responses is correct.
  B) diastolic pressure
  C) pulse pressure
  D) systolic pressure

(Question 3) Which type of membrane lines the ventral body cavities?
  A) mucous
  B) serous
  C) cutaneous
  D) synovial

(Question 4) The instrument used to determine blood pressure is called a ________.
  A) None of the listed responses is correct.
  B) plethysmograph
  C) electrocardiogram
  D) sphygmomanometer

(Question 5) All of the following are major types of membrane EXCEPT ________.
  A) mucous
  B) integument
  C) serous
  D) synovial

(Question 6) Average blood pressure in a typical male is ________.
  A) 150/110
  B) 110/70
  C) 80/120
  D) 120/80

(Question 7) Body membranes are composed of ________ tissues.
  A) connective and muscle
  B) epithelium and muscle
  C) epithelium and connective
  D) connective and nervous

(Question 8) The third heart sound can be heard ________.
  A) when blood flows into the ventricles
  B) when the AV valves close
  C) when the semilunar valves close
  D) contraction of the atria

(Question 9) The second heart sound is heard during which phase of the cardiac cycle?
  A) isovolumetric contraction
  B) at the beginning of ventricular diastole
  C) ventricular ejection
  D) ventricular filling

(Question 10) Which type of burn destroys the entire epidermis and portions of the dermis but does not injure hair follicles and glands in the dermis?
  A) third-degree burn
  B) first-degree burn
  C) second-degree burn
  D) fourth-degree burn
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6 years ago
1) B
A) The axillary artery is not the common artery used to measure blood pressure.
C) The radial artery is not the common artery used to measure blood pressure.
D) The ulnar artery is not the common artery used to measure blood pressure.

- - -

2) D
A) One of the listed responses is correct.
B) The diastolic pressure is the second sound heard while taking blood pressure.
C) The pulse pressure is a separate measurement from blood pressure.

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3) B
A) Mucous membranes line the digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive tracts.
C) The cutaneous membrane covers the outer surface of the body.
D) The synovial membrane lines joint cavities.

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4) D
A) One of the listed responses is correct.
B) A plethysmograph is used to determine pulse.
C) An electrocardiogram is used to record the electrical events of the heart.

- - -

5) B
A) Mucous membranes are one of the major types of membrane.
C) Serous membranes are one of the major types of membrane.
D) Synovial membranes are one of the major types of membrane.

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6) D
A) A blood pressure of 150/110 is not normal.
B) 110/70 is a normal blood pressure for females.
C) A blood pressure of 80/120 is not normal.

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7) C
A) Muscle tissue does not make up a membrane.
B) Muscle tissue does not make up a membrane.
D) Nervous tissue does not make up a membrane.

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8) A
B) The third heart sound is not heard when the AV valves close.
C) The third heart sound is not generated by the closing of the semilunar valves.
D) The third heart sound is not caused by the contraction of the atria.

- - -

9) B
A) The second heart sound is not heard during isovolumetric contraction.
C) The second heart sound is not heard during ventricular ejection.
D) The second heart sound is not heard during ventricular filling.

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10) C
A) Third-degree burns penetrate the integument and can be life threatening.
B) First-degree burns injure cells of the epidermis but go no deeper than the stratum germinativum.
D) Burns are only classified as first, second, or third degree.

Exercise 12: Body Membranes

Exercise 12: Pre-Lab Questions
krazyrwe Author
6 years ago
I wish all teachers could be as helpful as you instead of making us do things the complicated way...
6 years ago
It really depends on the course, never give up
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