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What happens to plastic bottles?
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0 24662 ehd123 9 years ago
Who plays the octobass?
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0 28865 duddy 9 years ago
Now there's a selfie stick shaped like an arm
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0 18146 duddy 9 years ago
If Mars still had water, this is what it would look like
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0 18177 duddy 9 years ago
If you thought being left-handed was odd, read this
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0 25471 duddy 9 years ago
Can learning be easier than unlearning?
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2 30419 ehd123 9 years ago
Mosquitoes have preferences too
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1 17887 duddy 9 years ago
Kermit's ancestor
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0 27165 duddy 9 years ago
What does 170-year-old champagne taste like?
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0 20778 duddy 9 years ago
The rainbow eucalyptus tree has its name because of its vibrant colored bark
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0 26124 duddy 9 years ago
How does our brain compare?
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1 16217 duddy 9 years ago
A lake above an ocean in the Faroe Islands
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0 13937 duddy 9 years ago
Which box has the car?
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5 19623 duddy 9 years ago
A town with nothing to offer
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1 20664 duddy 9 years ago
Converse shoes are the best
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1 22063 duddy 9 years ago
Why there are now less fortune tellers in Romania
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1 21600 duddy 9 years ago
Ever seen a black flamingo?
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0 21775 duddy 9 years ago
These wannabe spiders use thorn-like weapons on their arms to attack small prey
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0 22356 duddy 9 years ago
See how your puny human lifespan compares
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0 21582 duddy 9 years ago
Top ten myths about the human brain
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1 21000 duddy 9 years ago
Some birds are afraid of butterflies
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0 31780 duddy 9 years ago
When all three men fall in love with the same woman
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0 32298 duddy 9 years ago
Balding? Try deliberately plucking your hair
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1 17098 duddy 9 years ago
Could I borrow your head for a second?
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0 14300 duddy 9 years ago
Why are the Dutch so tall?
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2 17903 duddy 9 years ago
Try dates, not honey
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3 29891 duddy 9 years ago
Miss your Game boy? Bring it back with this device
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4 18923 duddy 9 years ago
Tiny bird packs a big punch
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0 21823 duddy 9 years ago
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