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Posted by bio_man   April 7, 2017   1660 views

Before the test you can study alone or in a group – which option is the way to go?

Everybody has their preferred method of studying. Some are a.m. studiers, some are more nocturnal. Some power through with no nourishment, others make their desk look like the dinner table at a Bavarian holiday party. But no matter when, where or how, studying can always be broken down into a dichotomy: studying in a group or studying alone.

Study groups pool the brainpower of several classmates. Granted, this pool might only amount to slightly more knowledge than you possess yourself, but at other times the pool can be akin to the Mensa JV team. That's why you should always hedge your bets with a decent amount of self-studying. Knowing a bit about the material beforehand will ensure that the group functions as a study group and not an extra class session that your syllabus didn't warn you about.

On the bright side, study groups can normally be relied on to alert you about a section you missed or to steer you away from the incorrect method you were using to solve a certain problem. You may not get the most bang for your buck, but you should walk away with tidbits you wouldn't have discovered alone.

Studying alone is usually the best option if you are in power mode. If you have a load of material to cover and/or multiple hours ahead of you, self-study is probably the best option. In my experience, studying alone helps me learn and comprehend the material while studying in a group helps reinforce and solidify the material.

My favorite strategy has always been to study alone for the majority of the time and then join a study group the night before the test to make sure I haven't missed anything.

And even if that study group turns out to be pointless… hey, at least I walk away more confident about my chances against the curve.

Studying in a group or studying alone: Which method is better? What are the benefits of each method that the other can't achieve?

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2 Comments | Write Comment
Study in a group is a convincing way of learning as it stimulates interest and increases confidence. By group studying you can learn and can exchange the thoughts with other members. However, group study should not exceed more than 4 people otherwise it cause distraction.  Study groups can be very effective as long as everyone in the group is truly focused and not there just for the social atmosphere.
Posted on Apr 20, 2017 by cloveb
The most successful study group I ever had was with two people.

Two's company, three's a crowd.
Posted on Apr 21, 2017 by bio_man
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