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Posted by bio_man   May 20, 2017   1740 views

For those of you who have summer school to go to, have no fear—you can still have some fun in the sun.

Ah, summer. A time for relaxation, going to the beach, taking vacations, maybe making some money here and there. Right?


For a select group of people, there is the dreaded summer school. What? School? During summer? Oh, yes.

Some people go to summer school to get more units (be ahead of the curve when it's time to register and all that). Other people go because, well, let's be honest, those few classes they missed ended up hurting their grade more than they thought.

So how do you save your summer from summer school? Lucky for you, we're here to help. Here are 5 fail-safe ways to enjoy your summer even if you are in school:

1. Give yourself a break. In other words, take some time off between spring and summer semester.  I repeat: Do. Nothing. Why prepare for summer school? It is still SUMMERtime after all. Sleep in. Watch TV the entire day. Sit on the couch and eat junk food. Believe me, you'll value the time you took off to relax once class starts and you're back to memorizing stuff you'll forget the next week.

2. Go on weekend trips. So you can't spend an entire month in Europe like some of your friends. Oh, well. That's the price you pay for being the good student. But you can still have some envy-inspiring times by going away on the weekends. Go to Palm Springs or San Diego. New York City, Boston or DC. If you're really ambitious, drive across the border and have a fiesta in Mexico. So your friends are being bums. Who cares? You can salsa, baby.  No matter where you live, take some time to get away from school. Remember, you'll have to spend the next nine months there, too.

3. Do not take an 8:00 a.m. summer school class. Cut yourself some slack, it is summer after all. Maybe start at 10 a.m. instead. I don't know about you, but I can barely get up for 8:30 classes during the school year (in fact, 10 is still pushing it).  How can you feel like it's summer if you are getting up at 7:30 to sit in a lecture hall? Take at least a little time to rest up for the school year to come.

4. Use Biology Forums to help you with your studying. It's hard to stay motivated when the sun is still out at 7 p.m. and your friends are off to the movies, but you'll be happy that you did. And when your friends can't help you with that nasty calc problem because they're off to the pool, maybe some of your Biology Forums buddies will help you out.

5. Make friends in your classes. That way, you have people with whom you can complain about having class on a hot summer day and people to help you study for your tests. Maybe you can even do a study day at the beach together (because we all actually study when we do that…).

What are some ideas you have on how to maximize your summer experience while still benefiting from summer school?

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