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Posted by bio_man   June 11, 2018   4698 views

I'm certainly a tomato lover. I enjoy them fresh in sandwiches, roasted on chicken, and fried with eggs. So when I randomly came across the photo you see in the middle, I knew I had to share a thing or two about this heirloom that's best known as the giant Belgium tomato. According to its growers, this variety is distinctive for its fruit that averages 2 lbs., but has been known to grow to an enormous 5 lbs! Tomatoes are dark pink and solid meat with smooth blossom ends and a delicious sweet flavor. Some people even make wine from these very sweet tomatoes. Planting season is now, make sure to find their seeds and plant a few. Probably won't regret it.

PS: I'm quite certain this would be the tomato Lisa Simpson grew before Bart sabotaged it!

summer Simpsons
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