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Posted by bio_man   October 14, 2018   2645 views

Most universities allow students to use university network printers in student labs when they are working on the university network as part of their tuition or computer use or technology fees charged to students when they register for classes. The average school spends several thousand dollars per month for this service. This service is expensive because students print personal jobs unrelated to academics, such as downloads from entertainment Web sites and photos of friends and family. 

Winthrop University in South Carolina decided to charge students a $10 printing fee that allows them to print 250 pages per semester on University network printers. After that, the students are charged $0.04 for each additional page that they print. As a result, Winthrop’s printing costs declined by about one-half. Students had been printing some pages that had little additional value to them because those pages were essentially free. Once each page costs something to print, rational students printed only those pages that were worth the price charged to them.

With that said, do you think your school's printer policy is fair? If not, how would you improve it?

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