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Posted by bio_man   August 25, 2023   3106 views   Featured
Scientists have often questioned the necessity for organic foods (those not produced with pesticides). In a pioneering study titled "Organic diets significantly lower children's dietary exposure to organophosphorus pesticide," conducted in 2006, researchers delved into this very question. By monitoring and analyzing the urine of children exposed to both organic and conventionally produced foods, the study aimed to shed light on the potential advantages of choosing organic options. Some of the results are summarized in the table below:

The study's findings provided intriguing insights into the effects of organic and conventional diets on children's health. The key takeaways were as follows:

Lower Levels of Metabolites: During the phase when the children were consuming an organic diet, their urine samples exhibited the lowest levels of metabolites. This indicates that organic foods might lead to reduced metabolic byproducts, suggesting potential health benefits over conventional counterparts.

Pesticide Exposure: The research showed that the maximum levels of chlorpyrifos, a commonly used pesticide, were detected when the children followed a conventional diet. This finding is significant as it highlights the potential risk associated with consuming conventionally grown produce that might carry residues of pesticides.

Impact on Urinary Excretion: The study observed a clear pattern — switching to an organic diet led to lower levels of malathion (an insecticide) and chlorpyrifos in the children's urine. This indicates that organic foods have the potential to reduce the exposure to these harmful substances commonly found in conventional foods.

The research strongly suggests that opting for organic foods can result in lower exposure to pesticides and their metabolites. This could potentially translate to improved long-term health outcomes, particularly for developing children. But be mindful that not all organic foods are pesticide-free; in the USA, organic farming does allow for the use of certain approved pesticides and methods. The key difference between conventional and organic farming lies in the types of pesticides used. Conventional farming often relies on synthetic pesticides, which can be more potent and persistent. Organic farming, on the other hand, employs naturally derived pesticides that are typically less harmful to the environment and human health. This is important when the consumer weighs these benefits against the potential financial strain of incorporating more organic options into their grocery lists.

Source Lu C, Toepel K, Irish R, Fenske RA, Barr DB, Bravo R. Organic diets significantly lower children's dietary exposure to organophosphorus pesticides. Environ Health Perspect. 2006 Feb;114(2):260-3. doi: 10.1289/ehp.8418. PMID: 16451864; PMCID: PMC1367841.

Organic foods health benefits diet pesticides farming children development
Posted in Research
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