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Posted by savio   July 26, 2013   2555 views

Egyptian vultures not only feed on dead animals, but are opportunists who will also eat small or injured animals, and will even steal eggs of other birds and crack them open. The vultures are listed as endangered by the IUCN. In Asia, they have lost about a third of their population each year since the turn of the century. Hunting and accidental poisoning (ingesting insects that have been treated with a pesticide) are two of the main causes for their decline.

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2 Comments | Write Comment
Really cool, but why is it white? How does that make sense? Any input..
Posted on Jul 27, 2013 by barry
Good question... you'd assume that the reason certain animals are white is so that they blend into the environment. Perhaps there's more to it here; perhaps the white coat allows it to withstand the heat of the desert better.
Posted on Jul 27, 2013 by bio_man
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