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Posted by duddy   August 13, 2013   4981 views

Pupula duplex - commonly called double pupil - is a rare medical condition, in which one's eye or eyes has two pupils.

Read more: Pupula duplex

medical genetics anatomy
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5 Comments | Write Comment
Any modern day examples of people that have this defect?

How would you process an image or light? Is the person blind? Does it occur in both eyes?

Too interested Smiling Face with Open Mouth
Posted on Aug 14, 2013 by savio
I just noticed the picture has letters near the bottom right of the second pupil.
Posted on Aug 14, 2013 by duddy
I think it reads pupil something.
Posted on Aug 14, 2013 by bio_man
an entrepreneur on Shark Tank had this condition I believe. Or something very close to it. I believe he was renting out neck ties...
Posted on Aug 20, 2013 by maggie L.
What's his name?
Posted on Nov 21, 2013 by padre
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