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An essential bone lost
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0 16706 duddy 7 years ago
"Give orange me give eat orange me eat orange give me eat orange give me you."
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0 15598 duddy 7 years ago
Safeguarding Your Hearing Health
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0 14733 bio_man A year ago
Overcoming your fear of heights using technology
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0 14382 Biology Forums 2 years ago
8 glasses of water a day might be excessive
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0 12239 duddy 7 years ago
Riskier choices are more likely to be made at night
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0 10574 duddy 7 years ago
Hand washing in public restrooms, not so common
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0 10428 bio_man A year ago
"Trust the Science" ?
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0 9863 duddy 2 years ago
Why maintaining eye contact is tougher than it seems
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0 8740 bio_man 4 years ago
Early marijuana use correlated with lower IQ
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1 8628 duddy 7 years ago
Study: Organic diets significantly lower children's exposure to undesirable chemicals
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0 8410 bio_man A year ago
Are women better than men at sensing emotions?
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0 6291 bio_man 7 years ago
Breastfeeding guidelines for neanderthals
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0 5695 duddy 11 years ago
Are vaccines safe for children?
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1 5620 bio_man 5 years ago
Chances are you're an envious person
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0 4935 duddy 8 years ago
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