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One of the world's largest insects
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0 1233 bio_man 6 years ago
These bite-size fruits look like tiny watermelons
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0 1223 bio_man 6 years ago
Chicken egg colours explained
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0 1536 bio_man 6 years ago
Poison dart frog
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0 1552 bio_man 6 years ago
Wolf-like, fox-like, dog-like mammal
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0 2448 bio_man 6 years ago
The coconut crab
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0 1714 bio_man 6 years ago
Imperial and metric system facts lost in history
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0 1371 bio_man 5 years ago
Eyeless fish
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0 2424 bio_man 5 years ago
Top 5 Interesting Math Facts You Never Knew
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0 1284 bio_man 5 years ago
Where is our third eyelid?
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0 2653 bio_man 5 years ago
How much of our lifetime do we spend peeing?
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0 1411 bio_man 4 years ago
Most intelligent bird species
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0 18287 bio_man 3 years ago
Fastest mammal in the sea
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0 4362 bio_man 2 years ago
You've only ever seen one side of the moon
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0 14017 bio_man 2 years ago
How does our vision compare to some animals?
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0 15015 Biology Forums 2 years ago
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