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How many cells can fit on the tip of a pin?
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0 3911 duddy 11 years ago
A white-blooded ice fish
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0 2686 duddy 11 years ago
Do certain foods actually increase/decrease blood pH?
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1 4280 duddy 11 years ago
Silence leads to madness
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2 2115 duddy 11 years ago
What accounts for blue blood found in invertebrates
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1 5286 bio_man 11 years ago
Bloody trees
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1 5552 duddy 10 years ago
Blood orange!
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0 3065 duddy 10 years ago
We're all naturally magnetic
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1 6525 duddy 9 years ago
Mosquitoes have preferences too
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1 17887 duddy 9 years ago
Professional cyclists legs after 250 km on bike in Tour de France
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0 1842 duddy 9 years ago
What has a bushy tail and a taste for blood?
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0 8500 duddy 9 years ago
Why do we get brain freeze?
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2 7642 duddy 7 years ago
The reason behind your emotions, according to Hippocrates
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0 1805 bio_man A year ago
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