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The nastiest cheese on earth
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2 4108 savio 11 years ago
Do certain foods actually increase/decrease blood pH?
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1 4281 duddy 11 years ago
Why does airplane food taste strange?
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2 2801 duddy 11 years ago
Birds evolving from fish, a possibility?
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1 2917 duddy 10 years ago
Who knew chili peppers were good for you
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0 6918 duddy 10 years ago
Glow-in-the-dark ice cream
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2 3689 duddy 10 years ago
Which is more nutritious, fresh or frozen?
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0 4078 duddy 10 years ago
What's the world's most delicious fruit?
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2 6654 duddy 10 years ago
Would you ever try a black hot dog?
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4 10621 duddy 10 years ago
Heart-shaped watermelons
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3 8997 duddy 10 years ago
Don't want to eat genetically modified food, then consider this
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2 3265 duddy 10 years ago
Blood orange!
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0 3065 duddy 10 years ago
A promising initiative for bees and hotel owners
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2 2368 duddy 10 years ago
Half granny, half delicious
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8 3534 duddy 10 years ago
Pollen dipper
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0 1975 duddy 10 years ago
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