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See how your puny human lifespan compares
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0 21582 duddy 9 years ago
How ocean creatures size up to humans
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0 17978 duddy 9 years ago
An essential bone lost
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0 16706 duddy 7 years ago
When apes sue humans
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0 15688 duddy 8 years ago
How does our vision compare to some animals?
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0 15016 Biology Forums 2 years ago
Bonobos, Chimpanzees, and the 98% DNA Link
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0 14476 bio_man 11 months ago
You may think you know yourself, but this video will change everything
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0 10058 duddy 9 years ago
Tibetan carry a 'super athlete' gene from an ancient species of human
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0 6611 duddy 10 years ago
Smallest bone in the body
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0 5660 savio 11 years ago
Mesolithic man
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1 4881 duddy 10 years ago
Are human-chimpanzee hybrids possible?
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3 1321 bio_man 6 years ago
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