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Would you like to try a gluten-free diet or a helminth?
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0 3518 duddy 11 years ago
World's deadliest toxin
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1 3124 duddy 10 years ago
Without vaccines we'd all be dead
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3 3403 duddy 11 years ago
What would happen if you didn't get stitches?
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2 6615 duddy 11 years ago
What do the Cubans have that the rest of the world doesn't?
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0 10901 duddy 9 years ago
Want to get rid of your double chin, now you can without surgery
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0 27595 duddy 9 years ago
Want to become a brain surgeon? Better get used to this
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2 5446 duddy 9 years ago
This tiny camera takes 3D images of your innards
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1 2904 duddy 10 years ago
This super-effective cancer-fighting berry can help fight cancer
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0 6264 duddy 9 years ago
This strange disease turns one's skin into bone
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0 7994 duddy 9 years ago
This is how doctors used to figure out if a woman was pregnant
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0 1499 duddy 9 years ago
Think you're having a bad hair day, check this out
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0 4523 duddy 10 years ago
The way casts shoulds be designed
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1 2273 duddy 11 years ago
The strangest medical story ever
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4 5080 duddy 10 years ago
The road to a cure for HIV
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0 3126 savio 11 years ago
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