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As this tarantula matures, its abdomen changes from blue to red
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0 9933 duddy 7 years ago
Flamingos flock along the shoreline of Lake Bogoria, Kenya
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0 11115 duddy 8 years ago
This rare genetic condition causes an unusual pigmentation
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1 2049 duddy 9 years ago
Perfectly timed photo, coincidence?
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0 10429 duddy 9 years ago
Walking sushi
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1 16915 duddy 9 years ago
Hot pink animals
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0 7742 duddy 9 years ago
A Spider-Man look-alike
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0 2269 duddy 10 years ago
Lake that appears to be treated with Pepto-Bismol
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1 6134 duddy 10 years ago
World’s oldest flamingo
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1 3014 duddy 10 years ago
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