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Overcoming your fear of heights using technology
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0 14383 Biology Forums 2 years ago
Reconstruct your face!
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0 2892 bio_man 6 years ago
Would you fly to space if you could?
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0 2717 duddy 8 years ago
Living without a heart
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0 6163 duddy 8 years ago
How the Turing machine works
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1 4886 duddy 8 years ago
World's heaviest calculator?
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0 21032 duddy 8 years ago
Want to relive the 90's? This emulator let's you use Windows 95 on your browser
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1 4385 duddy 8 years ago
Move over Wi-Fi, there's a new sheriff in town
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0 1677 duddy 8 years ago
This smart-watch came out 38 years before the Apple watch
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0 5646 duddy 8 years ago
Why can't chimps walk upright?
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0 5425 duddy 8 years ago
Watch these self-destructing computer chips
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0 21344 duddy 9 years ago
'Photoshop' in the 80s
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1 21324 duddy 9 years ago
Here's what 83 times optical zoom can do
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0 9122 duddy 9 years ago
The real-life story of The Bionic Man
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0 2778 bio_man 9 years ago
Thank you, Volta!
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0 2686 ehd123 9 years ago
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