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Posted by duddy   May 24, 2013   3252 views

In the Amazon rainforest salt is a highly sought after commodity. Tears are full of salt, so these butterflies are literally drinking the turtles tears to get the vital mineral.

This is a fairly common sight in the Amazon, and it's not restricted to butterflies.

turtles behaviour butterflies amazon rain forest
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I've never heard of this. This is really neat, though!
Posted on Jul 1, 2013 by doseofmegan
Posted by duddy   May 24, 2013   3408 views

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Throwing my opinion out there: I think some vaccines should be legally mandatory. Not all, but some of the major ones. As others have pointed out, vaccinations work there best with heard vaccination. If no one is left un-vaccinated to be a vector poi ...
Posted on May 24, 2013 by savio
Are they even mandatory any where? I thought the parents can choose whether to have them or not.

I know there's that whole discussion regarding autism and stuff, but wasn't that disproven a few years back?
Posted on May 24, 2013 by duddy
Forcing anyone to do anything is wrong, so the whole "mandatory" comment makes no sense to be. Also, the whole idea of "we'd all be dead" is nonsense. I had chicken pox as a child, and I survived. I've had the flu multiple times, and guess what, I've ...
Posted on Jun 15, 2021 by barry
Posted by duddy   May 19, 2013   4274 views
Makes sense, doesn't it?

music money coffee
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I support the overall message, but there are two issues with this graphic. First, a comparison to coffee isn't the most appropriate, as it devalues the labour efforts and working conditions of coffee bean farmers in Africa and South America. Also, th ...
Posted on May 19, 2013 by savio
Posted by duddy   May 18, 2013   5780 views

The Atlas Moth, Attacus atlas, is one of the largest species of butterfly that can be kept by insect enthusiasts. The moth is beautiful and very large, but also the caterpillars look amazing. The caterpillars are green-whitish with strange soft spines on their backs. Their last feet have a bright red spot on them

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Would be a shame to swap if it got into your living room lol
Posted on May 19, 2013 by savio
Posted by duddy   May 18, 2013   8643 views

The Leatherback Sea Turtle is the largest turtle in the world, weighing approximately 900 kg. Contrary to appearance, the leatherback doesn't actually have a shell. What looks like a shell is in fact a leathery skin supported by small bones. This gives it a flexibility that a solid shell would not provide, allowing it to dive to astonishing depths.

huge large
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I always wondered where master roshi got his shell
Posted on Dec 8, 2019 by Clay Brinkman
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