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Posted by duddy   May 18, 2013   3502 views

Babies are typically among the most vulnerable creatures in nature, but the fulmar has evolved a top notch defense system. Chicks also spit at their parents, who are immune to the effects of the oil.

birds defence
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Posted by duddy   May 18, 2013   3261 views

For me, the word that comes to mind is blurt or blob Wink Face Not sure why. Anyway, here's a little background on what this odd looking frog is all about.

Purple frogs are found in India in the Western Ghats. Purple frogs burrow and one was found as far as 8 meters below the surface. It spends most of its life underground, but emerges for a two-week-long mating stint during the monsoon season. Females will lay approximately 3000 eggs at this time.

Their lineage reaches back 130 million years, though their elusive behavior caused scientists to not have a scientific description of them until 2003. They are currently labeled as endangered by the IUCN. ...

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What a peculiar looking creature, poor little chap doesn't have a defined head.
Posted on May 18, 2013 by savio
Posted by duddy   May 18, 2013   2168 views

The wrinkle-faced bat is found in some regions of Central and South America. If you’re worried about this coming after you in the night, don’t be. It feeds only on fruit, preferring juicier, overripe mangos and bananas. Actually, it’s quite helpful to humans because it pollinates crops.

Posted in Interesting Facts
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Fruit eh? then how do you explain those tiny dagger-like teeth, just waiting to sink into succulent human flesh? Wink Face
Posted on May 18, 2013 by savio
Posted by duddy   May 17, 2013   2233 views

The greater sage grouse is found in the western parts of the United States and Canada. When mating season is upon the birds, males and females meet at breeding locations known as leks. The males strut around, inflating and deflating the air sacs in their chests to impress the females.

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Males puffing up their chests to impress females? Sounds like most every gym, or bar I've ever been in...
Posted on May 18, 2013 by savio
What a terrible title for such an interesting article. Shame.
Posted on May 17, 2014 by savio
Posted by duddy   May 17, 2013   2116 views

The anechoic chamber is located at Orfield Laboratory in Minneapolis, Minnesota and was designed for testing out hearing aid equipment. To make sure no outside noises are present, the chamber is hidden behind two vault doors and has sound-deadening wedges covering all of the flat surfaces. Rather than sound bouncing off the walls, ceiling, and floor like a traditional room, the sound is absorbed.

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I could live in that room! Absolute silence? YES, I'm ready to go, and the world needs a bit of it too!
Posted on May 18, 2013 by savio
I would love to experience this lol
Posted on May 17, 2014 by savio
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