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NASA Rover finds conditions once suited for ancient life on Mars
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0 2041 duddy 10 years ago
HIV is no match for bee venom
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1 1986 duddy 10 years ago
How long until it's gone?
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0 4456 duddy 10 years ago
Coolest teeth
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0 3895 duddy 10 years ago
DNA found floating in the sky
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0 3903 duddy 10 years ago
Squid suckers
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0 3757 duddy 10 years ago
A road literally covered in spiders
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0 3738 duddy 10 years ago
Evolution is sneaky
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0 4774 duddy 10 years ago
Did you know that bees and flowers communicate using electric fields?
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0 5172 duddy 10 years ago
Have you ever seen the sun like this?
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0 5041 duddy 10 years ago
The world's happiest animal
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0 4941 duddy 10 years ago
Is technology really making us antisocial?
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3 4911 duddy 10 years ago
How do you stitch an eyeball?
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0 3561 duddy 10 years ago
Just a normal spider who got rich
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0 3578 duddy 10 years ago
How many colours do you see?
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0 3662 duddy 10 years ago
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