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A Quick Guide for Detecting and Avoiding Spoiled Foods
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0 15707 bio_man 4 years ago
Is Nutella even healthy?
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3 1467 bio_man 6 years ago
A Chinese mystery, can you guess what these are?
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0 15270 bio_man 7 years ago
Corn is a man-made invention
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0 3989 bio_man 8 years ago
A Big Mac versus molten copper
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0 12842 bio_man 8 years ago
This dish will probably turn your stomach
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2 4161 duddy 8 years ago
Grapes are beautiful
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1 16910 duddy 8 years ago
This carnivorous plant counts to avoid being tricked
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0 16831 duddy 8 years ago
Should you eat snow?
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0 10632 duddy 8 years ago
Mad honey
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0 7874 duddy 8 years ago
Sweet tooth explained
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0 7001 duddy 8 years ago
Craving a Big Mac? I don't blame you
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2 13867 duddy 8 years ago
Turns out that fish oil only benefits those who have the right genes
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0 15485 duddy 9 years ago
This peanut butter is a health hazard
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1 9784 bio_man 9 years ago
Chewing gum can make your heart beat faster
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1 4431 duddy 9 years ago
World's most expensive cheese
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1 4264 duddy 9 years ago
Eggs that smell and taste like fruit
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1 4188 duddy 9 years ago
What looks like a water but is as hard as a rock?
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0 11885 duddy 9 years ago
The devil is in the diet
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1 13437 duddy 9 years ago
What does 170-year-old champagne taste like?
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0 20778 duddy 9 years ago
Try dates, not honey
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3 29891 duddy 9 years ago
Attention paleo dieters
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0 51625 duddy 9 years ago
Tails designed to fool
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0 15623 duddy 9 years ago
Higher testosterone levels linked to men who enjoy spicy food
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1 34491 duddy 9 years ago
McDonald's will never be the same again
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3 1397 duddy 9 years ago
Greenland is colder than Iceland, but Iceland Is greener than Greenland
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0 2751 duddy 9 years ago
All corn today, as we know corn, is GMO corn
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0 5145 duddy 9 years ago
Who needs a fridge?
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0 12017 duddy 9 years ago
This may be the coolest apple ever designed
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1 6230 duddy 9 years ago
Penguins may not have teeth, but this is just as good
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2 4723 duddy 9 years ago
Designer grapes
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0 6101 duddy 9 years ago
Please stop eating my face, sir
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2 5855 duddy 9 years ago
Ever had 'devil's fart' before?
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1 1468 duddy 9 years ago
Grapes kill bacteria that causes acne?
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1 5575 duddy 9 years ago
Street food of Japan
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0 1479 duddy 9 years ago
Sticking together is what good melons do
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0 4987 duddy 9 years ago
Tomatoes were once legally vegetables
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0 1795 duddy 9 years ago
Things they sneak into our foods and nail polish
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2 2967 duddy 10 years ago
Spitting fish
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0 3768 duddy 10 years ago
Ever seen an egg without its shell?
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1 7259 duddy 10 years ago
A cake that might turn your stomach
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1 5814 duddy 10 years ago
Custom fruit shaped to your desire
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0 4135 duddy 10 years ago
Think your job is hard, compare it to this
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0 6452 duddy 10 years ago
A 'multi-berry' tree
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2 6755 duddy 10 years ago
All-in-one tree that can produce 40 different types of fruit
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0 9633 duddy 10 years ago
New seedless mangoes coming to a grocery store near you
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1 2887 duddy 10 years ago
These aren't party balloons
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3 31359 duddy 10 years ago
Would you eat this mysterious blue fish?
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2 5238 duddy 10 years ago
These chips look good, right?
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1 4129 duddy 10 years ago
M&M flavoured honey?
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0 2049 duddy 10 years ago
A fish that resembles a bird
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0 2437 duddy 10 years ago
Pollen dipper
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0 1973 duddy 10 years ago
Half granny, half delicious
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8 3533 duddy 10 years ago
A promising initiative for bees and hotel owners
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2 2368 duddy 10 years ago
Blood orange!
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0 3065 duddy 10 years ago
Don't want to eat genetically modified food, then consider this
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2 3265 duddy 10 years ago
Heart-shaped watermelons
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3 8997 duddy 10 years ago
Would you ever try a black hot dog?
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4 10621 duddy 10 years ago
What's the world's most delicious fruit?
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2 6654 duddy 10 years ago
Which is more nutritious, fresh or frozen?
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0 4078 duddy 10 years ago
Glow-in-the-dark ice cream
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2 3689 duddy 10 years ago
Who knew chili peppers were good for you
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0 6918 duddy 10 years ago
Birds evolving from fish, a possibility?
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1 2915 duddy 10 years ago
The nastiest cheese on earth
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2 4107 savio 11 years ago
Why does airplane food taste strange?
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2 2798 duddy 11 years ago
Do certain foods actually increase/decrease blood pH?
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1 4280 duddy 11 years ago
How to make meat in a lab
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0 3245 bio_man 11 years ago
Halla tree fruit
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2 7138 bio_man 11 years ago
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