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Love is in the mind, not in the heart
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0 3225 savio 11 years ago
I swear that thing was looking at me
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0 8957 duddy 10 years ago
Out of Body Experiences?
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3 2800 ehd123 10 years ago
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1 1901 duddy 10 years ago
Beautiful people make more daughters
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0 4430 duddy 10 years ago
Animal hitchhikers
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0 6034 duddy 9 years ago
How to trick your brain into thinking you've slept - don't try this at home
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1 6570 duddy 9 years ago
How much would they have to pay you to do this?
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0 10164 duddy 9 years ago
When's the best time to make a decision?
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1 7716 duddy 9 years ago
Why do we listen to sad music?
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1 5472 duddy 9 years ago
Can money buy happiness?
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1 6897 duddy 9 years ago
How to become an elephant
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0 6114 HeldCaptive 9 years ago
Why are house cats obedient to their owners?
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0 5245 duddy 9 years ago
Some people simply get away with more because of their look
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0 30005 duddy 9 years ago
What's it like to live with prosopometamorphopsia
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0 3654 duddy 9 years ago
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